Since 2021 the business Glen Rock Mall, LLC / 175 Rock Rd, LLC has been applying for permits to build a 69-unit apartment / mixed-use complex on the rear lot of 175 Rock Road, behind CVS. This project would include retail/commercial and 69 residential units. 14 are to be restricted affordable housing units to ensure the Borough’s affordable housing needs are met.
On July 7, 2022, a year after the planning board received their application, the Planning board voted it down with a 3-2 vote.
Ayes: Mr. King, Ms. Tryforos
Nays: Mayor Morieko, Chief Ackerman, Mr. Morley
Some concerns for denial included safety – including one egress, lighting, and safety of the pedestrians in and around 175 Rock Road and the train tracks.
After this denial, 175 Rock Rd LLC filed a lawsuit along with the Fair Share housing center against the Borough in Bergen County Superior Court. The lawsuit was filed siting the Mount Laurel doctrine to provide a realistic opportunity for the production of housing affordable to low and moderate-income households.
A year later, on July 7, 2023, the Glen Rock Planning Board and the attorneys of Glen Rock Mall, LLC /175 Rock Rd, LLC came to a settlement to allow the construction to start. The settlement was accepted by the borough to protect the borough’s immunity from future developers and our ability to deny them. In addition, the Borough receives $250,000.
The newest Planning Board member, Gabe Bullaro, was asked to not participate in the settlement discussions because he was an objector in the planning board meetings regarding this application. Mr. Bullaro stated, “ I was a citizen objector and had no power over their vote. I did not join the planning board until February 2023. I respect the board’s opinion. They felt I may have been a possible conflict because I was a citizen objector.”
Reviewing the settlement and the June 8, 2023 revised site plans, both the Borough’s planner and engineer confirmed the site plans. Both stated that there were no real changes. The one major noticeable change is to have the lighting put on timers. None of the safety concerns about the ingress/egress and pedestrians were addressed. This answers Republican candidate, Jim Garafalo’s question, ” what changed?”, during the public comment section.
When asking Mayor Morieko about the next steps for the safety concerns, she stated, “Once the formal resolution is passed in August we will begin the discussions with the county as to what traffic calming devices are available – from a light – to road widening – to flashers. Whatever it takes.”
Approaching the other veto, Chief Dean Ackermann, about what he saw as the next steps in the safety and the traffic issues of this development, Chief stated, “The safety concerns at the time of denial were not strong enough to carry any weight at trial as the County had already signed off on the ingress/egress at their level. What many people do not realize is that the county has its own planning board, and the county has the final say over county roads.
Once the settlement agreement between the Borough, the applicant for 175 Rock Road, and Fair Share Housing is finalized, I will fully support the town in seeking a resolution with the county concerning traffic. This will include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Traffic Light
2. Widening of Rock Road
3. Traffic Calming Devices as may be appropriate.”
The 4 buildings break down into the following:
Building 4 – Rock Rd – This building will be on Rock behind the bank facing Rock. The house that is currently there will be torn down. This building will be 2 stories with commercial and office spaces.
Building 3 (closest to CVS in the rear: This will have 3 floors :
Floors 2 & 3 will have:
10 units
2 1 bedrooms
2 2 bedrooms
1 3 bedrooms
Floor 1: retail space
*4 affordable housing units
Building #2 – 3 floors:
30 units
4 1 bedroom
6 2 bedroom
2 3 bedrooms
*5 affordable housing units
Building #1 – 3 floors
29 units
1st floor:
2 1 bedrooms
6 2 bedrooms
1 3 bedrooms
2nd & 3rd floor:
3 1 bedrooms
5 2 bedrooms
2 3 bedrooms
*5 affordable units
Total 14 affordable housing units.
The settlement will be Memorializing resolution to approve the Settlement agreement on August 3, 2023, 7:30 pm at the public planning board meeting.