Banana Tree News and GR Web is here to help businesses brand themselves with a unique logo, cutting-edge communication tools, and a high-impact presence on the World Wide Web.
We believe that a company’s brand is its number one marketing tool.
As a business owner, you want people to remember who you are and buy their products from you. We can help you accomplish this goal.
Please take a look around the website and explore all of the different ways we can help your business brand itself to increase your web presence.
Q: My business is very small, just myself and two employees. Our product really can not be sold online. Do I really need a website?
A: Yes, if you have a business, you should have a website. Period. No question. Without a doubt.
It’s not enough that you just have a website. You must have a professional-looking site if you want to be taken seriously. And it needs to be mobile friendly
Since many consumers now search for information online prior to making a purchase at a brick-and-mortar store, your site may be the first chance you have at making a good impression on a potential buyer.
If your site looks like it was designed by a barrel of colorblind monkeys, your chance at making a good first impression will be lost.
Samples of our Work
BMR Painting
Element DIY
Posh Party
Hidden NYC
The main question on peoples minds is why choose Grassroots Web over any other company.
There are several Reasons.
1. Each website is specifically done for your business.
But wait, isn’t everyone’s?
NO! A lot of web designers use what are called templates. This is where they have a few standard sites made – but then just change the colors and content to make it feel like your own. If you look at many different sites, you can start to see a pattern of the template.
You want a self-crafted site so that you stand out from the rest and you know that the site is totally yours. Grassroots Web provides this. Look at our examples and you can see that each is its own entity.
2. Personal Service
We pride ourselves on our communication with our customers. We are available 24/7 to answer questions. To stay in touch with our customers, we use :
- Phone
- Text Messaging
3. We believe that each person and business deserves the same quality. Whether you are the Basic Package or the High-End Package.