A poem by Hans Christian Andersen has inspired Arts Council of Glen Rock (ACGR) members to paint a “selfie” butterfly in the open space at 199 Rock Road in Glen Rock next to Rock Ridge Pharmacy — known as the Alcove.
“Just living is not enough,”
Said the butterfly.
“One must have sunshine, freedom,
And a little flower.”
“The goal of this art installation is for passersby to see different elements each time they view it,” said Stacey Gilmartin, coordinator of Arts Council’s “Paint the Town” committee. The 10’ x 12’ butterfly, which has multi-layered wings and intricate designs and colors, was created by artists Libby Deely and Heather Corey with assistance from Naomi Gamorra – all Arts Council members.
The idea originated at a brainstorming meeting in March 2022 to discuss art that would harmonize with ACGR’s Poetry Month activities in April. The decorative poetry on six storefronts along Rock Road came first, in late April, accompanied by spring-themed art painted by “Paint the Town Spring” participants in May. The alcove project started in June.
“The butterfly provides a unique photo op,” said Gilmartin. “Not only can Glen Rock shoppers stop by to enjoy the poem and the alcove art, they’ll also be able to take it with them in a selfie. It’s a reminder that the Arts Council is a vibrant organization and at work in our community. Our ongoing group efforts aim to beautify the downtown shopping area.”
The poem’s lettering and an accompanying smaller butterfly and caterpillar created by Arts Council’s Michele Keller complement Soo Kim’s existing designs on the pharmacy’s front windows.
With the approval of Vishnu Patel and his wife Kushboo Shah, owners of the pharmacy, committee members primed and painted over the “Restart Glen Rock” logo from 2020. “We understand this is a temporary installation since the pharmacy has plans to renovate the building exterior,” said Gilmartin. “It is our hope that ACGR will be invited to create a mural for the entire wall once repairs are completed.”
To find out more about Arts Council, Paint the Town, and other projects, visit artscouncilgr.org.
Arts Council of Glen Rock is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our purpose is to promote, support, and celebrate all forms of the arts. Our aim is to provide artistic experiences throughout the year for the community, guided by three priorities: expanding arts opportunities, cultivating awareness, and energizing community support and attendance.
1) Arts Council’s Michele Keller and Heather Corey putting the finishing touches on the butterfly
2) Arts Council’s Heather Corey poses for a selfie
3) Arts Council’s Stacey Gilmartin – it all started with some scraping and priming
4) Arts Council’s Michele Keller and Libby Deely with a work in progress
5) Alcove Wall – Poem and Butterfly Together
6) Arts Council’s Michele Keller and son Cade painting the Hans Christian Andersen poem
Photos and article submitted by the Arts Council of Glen Rock