Earlier this summer, several residents and business owners received a notice from Borough Hall that informed them of a possible zone change for the Annex at 678 South Maple Avenue. The notice stated:
“The Borough of Glen Rock, has applied to the Planning Board of the Borough of Glen Rock for Preliminary and Final Major Subdivision on the property located at 1 Harding Plaza, Glen Rock, and designated as Block 103, Lot 1 and 2, and Block 104, Lot 1, in order to subdivide the property to formally dedicate Harding Plaza as a public right of way, and creating four (4) new lots. The Property is located in the A-2 Residence Zoning District and the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Zoning District. The Applicant has specifically requested a variance from the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Zoning District requirements for proposed Lot 1.02 for Front Yard Setback, where 20 ft., is required, 0.8 ft. is a preexisting nonconformity that will not be changed as a result of the subdivision.”
This basically says that they want to subdivide the Annex away from Block 104 (Fire Department, Municipal Building, and Annex)- to make it its own Block and lot.
Right now the annex hosts different senior events and has an apartment above it. By separating it, and giving it their own address they can apply to have one affordable housing unit.
Jan Kilroy expressed her concern over this on several levels. Some of her concerns included:
Parking. Ms Kilroy commented to Banana Tree News that, “I am already having issues with seniors and other groups parking in my lot, in front of her offices, and sometimes blocking the roadway for my deliveries trucks.”
Noise: Ms. Kilroy continued to say, “I am also concerned about noise complaints with my delivery trucks coming in early and making noise while they load the warehouse, which is located next to the Annex.”
Another concern by her and others is a potential rat problem. If they tore the annex down, there is a potential of rats going to local residents and to the businesses. This happens frequently in construction.
Talking to Mayor Morieko in a Facebook thread, she stated: “It will be rehabbed. No change to the current parking.” She is going to go speak to Ms. Kilroy to discuss the parking issues she is having.
On August 1st, the planning board voted unanimously to approve the zoning change. Banana Tree News reached out to some planning board members, but was told they could not comment due to it being an open planning board piece of work.