Older Americans have 3 things they are most afraid of. #1 Fear of the loss of independence (needing the help of others) especially loosing their home and being down sized into a studio in an assisted living facility or a small room at a nursing home. #2. Interference from their adult children and in-laws. #3. Fear of running out of money and not being able to take care of their basic needs.
Do your parents want to stay? This is the most popular question in my northern New Jersey office. It turns out that for every day that an older person is stuck in a hospital or rehab bed, he or she loses 3-5 days of the pre hospital level of body functioning. 85% of the adult children of those who get admitted to a hospital or rehab facility are faced with that dreadful question
If the time has come for you and your family to determine how and where your loved ones would receive dignified and life enhancing care, I am here to serve you.
I specialize in the care of people challenged with movement disorders such as Parkinson’s, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, MS and ALS. I help them get better faster after a hospital or rehab stay and I help them to experience a higher quality of life in the place they know by heart, THEIR HOME. There are two programs that I offer that make caregiving easier, affordable and life enhancing. One is called ASSISTED LIVING AT HOME. Its around the clock care from $9.95/hr to $15/hr and non around the clock care that range in cost from $19 to $30/hr. The other one is a 3 part seminar series that helps families to plan and be prepared for care. Here is a short list of the other things that I can help you with; #1. How to get better faster after a hospital or rehab stay. #2. Where to find good affordable and dependable care for seniors. #3. Liaison between families and health care organizations. #4 Transitional care and support for those considering assisted living. #5. How to get assisted living services to come to you instead of you moving into one. #6. Care management and health care navigation for family members who live far away. #7. How to help your small or midsize business to design an elder care work place program that will save money, reduce loss of productivity associated with caregiving and how to improve work life balance for working family caregivers.
If you need help with anything caregiving call now, you will get my help TODAY at 201-300-6565 or 833-77-AGING or 833-772-4464
The Elder Care Report is a syndicated column written by Stella Nsong, RN, CMC, CDP, LTCP
State Director of the New Jersey Elder Care Planning Council
Direct Dial 833-772-4464 ext 5. www.NorthernJerseyElderCareCouncil.org Email: [email protected]