Here are some of the available different ad styles. Most are available in 970×250, 300×600, 728×90, 300×250
The Amazing Cube
This displays 6 images and captions of your choosing in a very slick rotating cube (on the latest browsers). Great for capturing attention, especially when it comes to food items. The cube will accept any photo sizes, but square works best if you don’t want any auto-cropping or sizing.
Featured Articles Listing
A highly engaging and informational unit that displays a YouTube video and several links to external articles, as well as branding and social options for an advertiser. Excellent for healthcare, attorneys, and other advertisers who wish to tell a story or demonstrate expertise in a way that traditional ad units fail to do.
Instant Twitter/ Facebook or Instagram
Create an ad from an Twitter account username. This pulls in the latest from a *public* Twitter feed once per hour. It displays the photo, caption, and optionally, comments and like information on the post.
YouTube Ad
Embed a YouTube™ video as an advertisement with an optional message below the embedded video. Set any width or height while being responsive and mobile friendly. It tracks video plays as clicks, and several other events.
Split Reveal
An ad, that when hovered over, splits to reveal a message. Useful for standard banners with additional info, or perhaps plain images that intrigue users to engage with the ad. Any sized image can be used.
Sticky Note – Text Only
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