During the final council meeting, of the year, the members of the Glen Rock Council took time to thank and recognize the retiring Art Pazan for his 27 years of service to the town and 12 years on the Council. Read more about Arts’ history on the council.
After the final council meeting of 2017, the first official one of 2018 began a historic year for the Borough Council. Two women were sworn in to the borough council to total 3 women on the council. This is not the first time that this has happened. The last couple of times was when Council women Amy Martin, Mary Jane Surrago and Joan Orseck sat on the council in 2015 . It also happened when Pam Biggs, Mary Jane Surrago and Joan Orseck sat on the council 2009 – 2014.
Dr. Arati Kreibich was sworn in for her first term on the Glen Rock council. Ms. Amy Martin was sworn in for her second term on the council. They will be joining Ms. Kristine Morieko, Council President; Mike O’Hagan, Skip Huisking and Bill Leonard.
During the ceremony the two new members were recognized by Congressman Josh Gottheimer, Bergen County Freeholder Tracy Zur and WEDO (woman Empowered Democratic Organization for what they have accomplished as women and on the council.
Councilwoman Kristine Morieko was then sworn in to become the councils president, and took her place between Mayor Packer and Amy Martin,
Borough Attorney Anthony Swarez was sworn in for his 3rd year term.
Mayor Packer then announced his appointments to the Zoning Board;
Diane Herrlett, chair person
- Bill Mitchell
- Janet Chen
- Barbara Schineller
- Denley Chew
- Bob Bourne, Vice Chair person
- Kay Tuite
- Alt: Marc Sturiale
- Alt: Mary Barchetto
It was then announced that Bruce Beal stepped down as chairperson after 30 years on the zoning board.
The remaining boards that were announced:
- Planning board
- Board of Health
- Library Board
- Environmental Commission
In addition, they then listed all the committees of different areas;
- Shade Tree
- Persons with Disabilities Advisory Board
- Glen Rock Historical Society
- GR Friends of the Arboretum
- Rec. Advisory Board
- Community Relation Advisory Board
- Emergency Management Council
- Glen Rock Senior Citizen Advisory Committee
- Glen Rock TV
- Parking Committee
- Friends of the Library Board
- Glen Rock Municipal Alliance