I have had the honor of being a professional municipal manager for local governments for 51 years, having served during that time with five municipalities in the Pittsburgh area, and then most recently 28 years with the Borough of Glen Rock and then retiring. I have been a resident of our special town of Glen Rock for 47 years, with a wife and four children, and I have not once regretted my residency. As publicly noted, it is a town that has often been rated in the top 10 towns as a place to live and raise a family.
During that time, with those municipalities, I had the opportunity to observe many local political election campaigns and work with and for many of the successful candidates in office, a total of eight different Mayors and countless Councilmen and Councilwomen.
Over the years, as a professional municipal manager/administrator, I have had the honor of working with some really talented and dedicated professional people who took public office just to give back to their community. It became evident to me over time that these individuals who served and were successful at governing, and often re-elected if they desired, had certain characteristics that made them successful. Just to note a few really important ones: Dedicate time to your job and fulfill your duties and responsibilities as prescribed by the state rules and regulations; at all times be honest and have high morals while in and out of office; be a good listener to what your residents have to say and provide answers if required; be polite and have plenty of patience; work with your associates, listen to their opinions and be willing to compromise to reach agreements; and finally, be on time for stated meetings.
I have read the campaign literature and profiles of the four candidates running for the Town Council and there are just two that I believe have the credentials to serve and be successful in serving the residents of our town, to keep it as the town we moved to and love.
Please vote or the two best qualified candidates: Eileen Hillock and Michelle Torpey. They will not disappoint you.
Robert Freudenrich
Glen Rock