Glen Rock is fortunate to have four intelligent women running for Borough Council, but the choice comes down to action: Who will accomplish their promises?
For example:
Michelle Torpey, a licensed pharmacist, and newly appointed Glen Rock Coordinator for the statewide Partnership for Drug-Free New Jersey, was concerned about drug abuse and heroin addiction, so she took action. Through a GoFundMe page she raised money and now Glen Rock has a Drug Disposal Box securely stationed in Rock Ridge Pharmacy where residents can dispose unwanted or expired drugs.
Michelle is an active volunteer in the elementary, Middle and High Schools and she’s been elected Richard E. Byrd School H.S.A. president for 3 terms. As H.S.A. President she took action and encouraged borough officials to hold an open forum to listen to all the traffic concerns to improve unsafe traffic conditions near Byrd School.
Eileen Hillock, has 20+ years of experience in the corporate Financial Services industry. As a member on the Glen Rock Board of Education she took action and was instrumental in developing a five-year strategic plan (5YSP) for our school system that is now in place.
Eileen is also the Vice President of the recently reinstituted Glen Rock Chamber of Commerce and is actively working to promote local businesses and organizations by developing creative shopping discounts for seniors and destination events such as First Friday.
Eileen and Michelle have lived in Glen Rock for 23 and 17 years respectively. Their list of actions and accomplishments is extremely impressive (please visit to read their impressive resumes and platforms).
Actions speaks louder than words. Eileen Hillock and Michelle Torpey get my vote for Glen Rock Borough Council because of their actions. Just think what they can accomplish if elected!
Stacey Gilmartin