I have lived in Glen Rock for almost 66 years and have never been involved in local politics. However, Councilman O’Hagan’s recent comments have gotten me out of my easy chair with outrage.
Contrary to his assertions, “national” issues do not “take care of themselves.” National and local issues are inextricably intertwined.
For instance, all Glen Rockers care about the quality of our local schools – probably first and foremost. We now have as Education Secretary an empress of for-profit education who has abrogated 72 regulations designed to protect school children with disabilities.
All Glen Rockers care about the environment. We now have as Interior Secretary and EPA Administrator individuals who seek to shrink our national parks, open them up to drilling and dismantle most regulations which protect the environment.
We had as Secretary of Health and Human Services and as Attorney General individuals who have sought and seek to restrict women’s reproductive rights.
We have as Vice President an individual who does not believe that even rudimentary birth control should be sold in neighborhood drug stores.
And we have an administration which is now supporting elimination of the state income tax deduction and a limit to the tax preference of 401(k) contributions.
Anyone who does not think the aforementioned issues (and many others) are not issues where national issues affect local issues is devoid of reality.
Local issues and national issues are bound together. The two women on the Republican ticket and the young councilman now running for State Assembly stood in front of Trump banners and blindly embraced his programs. They supported Trump and Trumpism and cannot avoid issues now.
It not only for these reasons that I support Council President Any Ferrante-Martin and Dr. Arati Kreibich for Council. Amy and Arati offer innovative solutions to local problems which are inextricably intertwined with national issues.
For the first time ever, I have followed the candidates for Glen Rock town Council. I am impressed by the Glen Rock A Team’s commitment to the Party Safe Network because underage drinking is a problem which affects us all. Their commitment to environmental sustainability is very impressive.
Amy and Arati understand the close relationship between local and national issues. I am proud to support the Glen Rock A Team for Council.