During spring break, the Glen Rock Board of Education tested the schools’ drinking water for lead.
In accordance with the Department of Education regulations, all schools will implement immediate remedial measures for any drinking outlet with a result reader then the action of 15 ug/l (parts per billion [ppb]). These measures will include, but not limited to:
Turning off the outlet, unless the location must remain on for non-drinking purposes. In these cases a “DO NOT DRINK -SAFE FOR HANDWASHING ONLY sign will posted.
Out of the 194 samples taken, all but 25 samples tested below the lead action level established by the US Environmental Protection Agency for lead in drinking water. These 25 samples are spread out throughout all the district buildings.
A copy of the test results is available in the Glen Rock Schools business/Central office for inspection by the public. It is available between the hours of 8:30am – 4:00pm. The report is also available on the Glen Rock School Website. Here is a copy of the letter that Superintendent Valenti sent out.
For more information about water quality in our schools, contact Sandy Marinos, Supervisor of Facilities by calling: 201-445-7700 extension 8927