Written by: BTN Kid reporters Grace M. Allen and Yuka Bertram
At the Bollywood Dance Night, it was wonderful, at least from the kids view of it. In this article, we will show the kids view of things. Now together, lets read along.
The dance was fun (video above) We interviewed Ganeev Sachar to see what he thought of it. “I go every year because I feel comfortable and it’s fun. I feel sad that people can’t come because it fills up quickly. I wish they could celebrate with us.” said Ganeev.
Our other friend, Reeya Kantharia showed up too. Reeya showed us around to show how important it was to her and her family. Reeya showed us the cultural music that everyone was dancing to. A lot of the kids were either dancing on stage, or running around happily.
Everybody seemed to be getting Henna Tattoos. It is a very cultural tradition for them. It was a very fun experience especially to see cultural things and to see happy children. Most of the people were children. I think because it was fun. A lot of great music was playing loudly like a tiger’s roar.
“I can’t believe 35% of it was children!”, said reporter Yuka. “The Henna tattoo’s were absolutely awesome.” says reporter Grace. Both reporters think that this Bollywood night was awesome and people should enjoy it every year at GRHS.
Enjoy the pictures below showing how fun a night it was!