The Dr. Dario Valcarcel Media Center at GRHS was full of different types of hands on learning experiences on March 23rd. to celebrate Makers Day. NJ Makers Day attracts the local community, business owners, children, teens and parents from across the state to share their enthusiasm for and interest in the culture of making and creating.
One area of the Media Center was dedicated to robotics. The 6th grade students, with help from some 7th and 8th graders, worked on Robotics with Little Bits, a platform of easy-to-use electronic building blocks, and Ozzbot Bits, you code Ozobot’s movements by drawing color-coded lines on a tablet or white paper.
Another section of the Media Center offered students a chance to work with circuits that connect to computers and give them the ability to play different games, such as Guitar Hero, through those circuits.
Students also worked with a 3D printer to build different objects, and worked with coding through a program called Scratch.
Makers Day is not just limited to technology experiences. The students also got to work with string art under the guidance of Glen Rock Resident Mrs. Freudenrich.
What a wonderful experience for these 6th graders. Kudos goes out to the GRMS and HS Staff for organizing this event.
** All photos have been approved by the GR School District
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