Vivian Grace was diagnosed withan autoimmune disease called Juvenile Dermatomyositis. Everyones
Last year Byrd school collected a great amount of toys for the Children’s Hospital of Hackensack.
This year, Vivian Grace’s family will continue to spread her love by having a Book Drive to collect new books to give to the Children’s Hospital of Hackensack.
You can donate at:
Byrd School Book Fair:
March 2nd & 3rd for any new books that you can give as gifts for many children in need.
The Apple Tree Child Development Center
will be collecting new books from the Apple Tree families for the month of March.
The Curious Reader
229 Rock Rd, Glen Rock NJ
In honor of Vivian’s Love we would like to commemorate by continuing the act of giving love to all the children who maybe going through the same difficult times as she did. The joy, happiness and warmth that these children experience when receiving small gifts is priceless in itself. May these gifts bring smiles and happiness to each child. And in this way Vivian’s love can continue to spread in the hearts of all children.
- Mary Grace, Vivian’s Mom