In memory of the indomitable spirit of Carol Thielke, one of the founding members of the Thielke/Glen Rock Arboretum, a holiday decor making workshop will be held on Saturday, Dec. 3, 2016, at the Fellowship Hall of the Glen Rock Community Church, 354 Rock Road, Glen Rock. Two sessions are available: 10:00 AM to 12:00 or 1:00 to 3:00 PM. Pre-registration is required online at Cost is $25 per individual decoration or wreath, which includes all fresh greens, decorations, ribbons, baskets, and some containers. If you have something special you’d like to include in your decor, please bring it along.
In addition to all materials being available, a professional floral designer will be on hand to help you transform your ideas into a very special individualized holiday item(s) for your home. Her services are included in the price of the workshop. Come alone, with friends, or your family to enjoy the camaraderie of the creative process together. Do you have neighbors, family members, or friends who would love a homemade gift for the holidays? Or perhaps, there is someone who will be spending the holidays alone? This is an opportunity to brighten their home or apartment with something special from you.
Bring your gloves, pruners, and small pliers, if you have them. We will have some available for your use also. Volunteers will be on hand to help you. Have some favorite holiday music? Bring it with you to make it a real holiday happening! Please remember to pre-register to select your session at See you on Dec. 3rd at the Fellowship Hall, Community Church of Glen Rock.
For further information on our programs for children and adults, how to become a member, or donate, visit us on Facebook or at The Arboretum is a 501c3 non-profit organization maintained strictly by volunteers. All proceeds are used for the needs of the Arboretum.