Many people are feeling that this town is divided after this election. Enough so that some are saying, they have not felt this or seen this kind of split in our towns history. They also are stating they are afraid. Afraid of what we ask? Glen Rock is a community that works together and has each others back if something happens. We protect each other and work with each other to solve problems that our community members face.
Why are we supposedly now so divided? It was commented on Facebook that social media is dividing us. Glen Rockers would never talk this way to their fellow Glen Rockers face to face. It is the power of the keyboard and being behind closed doors seems to change the equation..
Speaking to residents and business owners in Glen Rock, they agree the divide that some are feeling are from a group of people on Facebook that is causing this divide by expressing their opinions and getting angry at others that have different opinions. IT was suggested by several that we need to get our anger off Facebook, have face to face conversation with people you disagree with to understand and explain both sides, agree to disagree and stay friends and neighbors.
Off of social media, people agree that this town is truly NOT divided. IT is the atmosphere on social media that gives the illusion that we are. Examples of the lack of division can be seen with the 900 lbs of candy collected, the amazing out pouring of people asking what they can do when there is a situation that someone needs help.
It has also been suggested that people in town are afraid. BTN asked the question and there were no answers. Some are participating the #safetypin movement.
In the wave of reactions to Donald Trump’s election as the 45th president of the U.S., safety pins have taken on a new meaning in the country. Some Americans are wearing safety pins as a symbol of solidarity with victims of racism, homophobia and religious discrimination. People have spoken out on Twitter to say that their safety pins show that they are an ally to marginalized groups.
The wonderful thing about our country is that we all have a right to feel how we do and have different opinions . But, lets not use those feelings or opinions make the fear in others grow or divide us even to the point off of social media. Have conversations with those that you want to understand their feelings better and explain yours without defensiveness.