BTN is conducting a series of interviews with the Board of Ed Candidates to find out more about them and what they stand for. We are also including their Top 5… We asked the candidates to be creative in their top 5. This can be from their top 5 things, top 5 sports, etc…
Our next candidate to participate is Ted Jadick, incumbent. Ted has been with the Glen Rock BOE for 10 months.
** At this time BTN has not received Teds top 5 video. We will publish when we get it.
1. I am rerunning as my initial 10 months on the Board – I was appointed to fill the seat of a Trustee who resigned from the Board in January 2016 – convinces me that I can make a positive contribution to the Board and the District. It has been, and continues to be, a steep learning curve, but I feel increasingly well equipped to serve to the District’s benefit. I am also inspired to serve by the incredible passion for excellence which I see our students, faculty and administrators demonstrate day in and day out. It is a privilege to be a more integral part of District and its activities. We also face significant challenges and I am committed to being a part of the team that helps guide the District through these challenges.
2. I am a good fit for the Board because of my professional skill set – including long experience in the financial services sector and building teams, my calm and can do personality, and my direct experience with the school system by virtue of having two students currently in the District.
3. In the coming year – I am running for a one year term (remaining year of the seat I was appointed to fill) – I see the main priorities being to firmly establish the Board’s new working model of the Committee of the Whole as well as to finalize and begin to implement the Five Year Strategic Plan (currently in the process of being formulated). The former should improve the Board’s efficiency and working environment as well as provide better transparency to the community; the latter should give the District a solid long term framework for prioritizing, meeting and funding its long term strategic and operational goals.
4. Without having a full overview of the relevant considerations involved with this question, in principle I would be supportive of K – 3 students riding their bikes to school accompanied by a parent. Sounds like a great way to,start and end the day! But as always there are factors that would need to be considered – bike rack capacity at the elementary schools, potential impact on crossing guards, increased safety concerns/issues, number of riders per parent accompanying them – would be some things which come to mind and I’m sure there are many others.
5. I think there are many good initiatives in various stages of planning and/or implementation – both inside and outside of the classroom – which will positively benefit the students. I feel the administration and the faculty are committed to continuing to build and provide the richest possible learning experience for our kids and this is what is important.
6. I am excited about serving during the coming year – we had 4 new Trustees join the Board in 2016 and with the new Committee of the Whole model I feel The Board has a great chance to create a strong and cohesive working dynamic that can certainly help to bring the District forward and meet the challenges ahead.
Re the reader’s question, as mentioned above I have two students in the District, one in High School and one in Middle School.
Comments 2