The Glen Rock Dog Park is almost ready to move to the next phase of development.
The idea of a dog park started as a Girl Scout Gold Award project in 2013 by Michelle Hillock. It has grown into a borough wide effort to get the dog park developed. The council approved the fundraising efforts of Michelle and Eileen Hillock to raise 100% of the funds needed to build and maintain the park. The area that is designated for the dog park is the undeveloped and under used area behind the recycling area and between Lower and upper faber field.
The Glen Rock Dog Park will be dedicated to the 9/11 Search and Rescue dogs in honor of their participation, tireless devotion and dedication in the aftermath of the 9/11 tragedy.
“The Hero Dogs of 9/11 Legacy“
Their goal is to erase $100,000 to break ground. So far this year they have raised just over $10,000 with recent grants from TD Bank and PSE&G. The main costs outstanding are $65,000 for fencing and $30,000 for the crushed granite. If either is donated, they can break ground as soon as possible.
The Glen Rock Dog Park is an established 501(c)3 with an ALL VOLUNTEER Board and Professional Team which includes:
Glen Rock Dog Park Board of Directors
- Founder: Michelle Hillock
- President: Eileen Hillock
- Vice President: Lisa Babin
- Treasurer: Linda Brennan
- Secretary: Christine Pfeiffer
Professional Consultants (ALL pro bono!)
- Landscape Architect: Joe Tuttle, Borst Landscape and Design
- Architect: Xiomara Paredes, Paredes-Grube Artchitects
- Attorney, Eric Orseck, Eric I. Orseck Esq.
- Accountant: Steven Schaub
- Graphics Designer, Dione Goyette
- Promotional Items: 4imprint USA
i’m really happy with all of the support and volunteerism we’ve received thus far! More and more people are interested and involved, and thanks to Smoothie King, Bagel Gourmet, Gary Stevens, Kilroys, Mail&More, The Vetrinarian in town and many other local businesses for their help fundraising
Michelle Hillock
How can you help? There are several ways residents, interested people and businesses can help this dream become a reality.
You can get involved as a volunteer or a donor, purchase an amazing Brick or Bench, become a sponsor or stop into Carrick Mor for one of the bandanas.
Working with the Board of the Glen Rock Dog Park, Borst Landscapers and Designs have rendered a pro bono concept drawing of the proposed Dog Park.
Please see the GR NJ Dog Park website www.GlenRockNJDog for additional information.
To donate:
Email the Dog Park Board – [email protected]
Twitter: @GlenRockNJDog
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